Posts Tagged ‘tulip drawing’

I’ve been doing ‘stuff’ in my sketchbook! I never really bothered with sketchbooks, I thought of them as a bit of a waste of time, but actually, it has been useful.

I go to a group meeting, the Tuesday Craft Collective, a bunch of arty villagers getting together for tea, biscuits, chat – and someting arty-crafty. All very pleasant and simple. As I usually draw or paint I needed something easy to transport – the sketchbook and a handful of pens and pencils. Ideal!

I started by stippling a tulip, which I coloured with pencils, then I added a bee, just for fun.

Next up, I wanted to try hatching/crosshatching. It is a fascinating technique with a long history, but no longer popular. I drew a peony, and I am pleased with the result.

Using the sketchbook is a way of practising techniques without the pressure of completing a finished piece.

More to come …