Posts Tagged ‘still life’

This 1950s garden sprayer sits in the corner, mostly ignored and unnoticed, but I needed a subject with reflections and highlights for a still-life experiment.

So this pulveriseur à haute pression gets centre stage in this small, acrylic on canvas painting. With reflections they say, ‘just paint what you see’. So I did and this is the result, so far.

I have more to do – there is another item, or peut etre, deux, to add to the picture, so it may re-appear in a future post.

I’ve started a large still life with acrylic on canvas, it consists a metronome, a bottle of pastis, an overturned glass over a blue draped cloth. Trouble is that, like with many projects I get sidetracked with other ideas. This time I wanted to try the picture in pen and use hatching, so I put aside the brushes and paints and got out the pens.

This is the result of the experiment. I didn’t know where the end product would go. I tried to match the hatching with each area in real life. I don’t think it’s too bad considering I usually use stippling for shade.

Things I would do differently include:

The shading on the dark side of the metronome. Next time I would hatch in a direction that would suggest the vertical.
Shading/brightness on the glass need better effect. Must work on that.
Background needs work.

Let me know what you think.

The landlord planted a new apple tree on our ‘Devon bank’ this year – and it produced three apples. So to commemorate the auspicious occasion here is a portrait of the first fruit.

Acrylic on rubberwood board, 10×8 approx.